Well, I noticed that I've been losing out to Daphne Caruana Galizia of late with regards my blog, which seem to be getting less and less feedback as time goes by. Particularly disappointing was my last blog regarding the electoral system at University, which I actually thought would stir a debate because of two schools of thought attacking and defending the system accordingly. But alas, just as student apathy came to the forefront in the recent KSU elections, it once again came about in this situation. No one really does care.
Time to shut down the blog for good? I'll think about it, but it's a distinct possibility when you know that readership is almost certainly at an all-time low.
Or maybe my penchant for writing is finally gone.
God Bless You all,
le dnt stop it matt...i enjy reading it!! i jst dnt comment most of the time xD
Since you gave me the link to this blog to read the piece about the ridiculous lengths of time to release exam results, I have chanced to glance through it again a couple of times and read the bit about the electoral system with particular interest.
Although I am hardly ever on your same wavelength, I suppose it is because of this very reason that I would encourage you (for what it's worth) to view your blog as a personal enterprise, a sounding board for your ideas if you will, and let any opinions that others may wish to share be simply an added bonus and not the purpose of your writing. Blogs are a good way to get your thoughts in order to better express them when it is called for.
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