Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm Getting Old(er)

White chest hairs - and some on my beard as well - were confirmation last year that I'm starting to age. In a month, this will be confirmed as I hit the big 21.

It's known that puberty isn't meant to last longer than when us males are, at most, 18 years old, but this onset of losing hair colour has made me think that I'm already starting to suffer the effects of the 'other' puberty at quite an early stage! I have no idea as to why this is so - maybe it's University stress (yeah right, this semester was already quite bad, so what's going to happen next semester!?!) or maybe it's because intrinsically, I get agitated quickly on quite a few occasions...? I struggle for answers in this regard.

I'm kind of looking forward to being 21. It actually means that God willing, and depending how much studying I put in - which, judging by the looks of things currently doesn't seem too over the top considering that I'm updating this blog (but what can you do if most of the work you have to do is already prepared; how much can you actually revise and re-revise things?) - I'll be looking at the best part of my first degree, which although means nought in today's society, nonetheless gives me three letters behind my name. It's something to be proud of, something to look forward to, a goal to achieve. The first step towards, hopefully, bigger and greater things.

It also means that my licence is no longer on 'probation' period and will be turned into a permanent one, renewable every 10 years. Yes, I already got the ADT form for its renewal despite some people evidently believing that I should have no place on the road at all! But wow, looking at this again, now, that's really something minor. Well, I think practically anything is vis-a-vis this age after all. What's the big hype about being 21... it's just a number, after all. 18 is probably more significant as it marks the start of adulthood and, consequently, more independence than one could have ever imagined.

But perhaps it just means that it is the beginning of a new year with new adventures ahead. Perhaps it's nothing more than just that. It should maybe mark the year when more maturity starts to settle into our systems, but I feel I've passed the potential threshold for that. Long ago, might I add; perhaps too long ago. That is, however, subjective. I always felt I was the one to be less 'fun'; to be more of a 'fatherly figure'; to be someone to lean on and keep things in check; to, 99% of the time, have the calm head when so required. Maybe it's the events that have marked my life that have driven me to turn out like this. Maybe it's the way how I would see things around me that would make me not want to emulate people's mistakes. Maybe it's because I'm just the type of person who doesn't settle for anything other than this character that I've developed.

So yes, I'm getting older, but it's just a number for me. For others, it might be something more significant than that. For some, it might mark the turning point in their lives. But for certain, we just never know what the future will confirmedly hold for us in terms of who we are and what we do. We can plan our lives and plan our events accordingly, but whether these will be fulfilled is something out of our hands, out of our control.

Nobody knows.

God Bless You all,


Rachel said...

I'd say that even 18 is just a number...

Matti said...

Probably too, I (obviously) felt no different when I turned 18 to when I was 17 the day before. But 18 just means a lot more than 21; at 18 you're actually classed as an adult in the eyes of the law, which gives you several benefits - you can drive, you can perform acts of trade without having to be emancipated by your parents, you can vote, you can take out loans, you can buy property etc

Unknown said...

zek that is the most patethic blog i have ever read in my life.... long live the church conservative....

Matti said...

And now we know at least one of the person(s) who takes umbridge to this blog.

Kindly refrain from commenting if you don't have anything constructive to say, Alex.

Unknown said...

its more contructive than my resit comment zek... sounds familiar?

Matti said...

Listen up Alex, as I've said in the past, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you. That mistake occurred around two years ago. I'm human. I make mistakes. I don't repeat my mistakes. I apologised for that two years ago. Get over it.

I repeat, don't comment unless you have something constructive to say. What you said is not constructive; it is, sorry to say, idiotic, out of place, and yet another feeble attempt of yours to unsuccessfully try pick a bone with me for no good reason.

And also, do me a favour and stop talking to me on MSN when you're going to just say "8" or "se nfalli". I'm not going to answer stupid things that are said. I'm also not going to be fooled by your repetitive "se nfalli" statement because you do study and you do pass everything!

My goodness, while I was being general and not pinpointing, perhaps you should read again what I wrote in the blog. Maybe you'll learn a lesson or two from it!

Unknown said...

haha ure so self-righteous u never notice when ure in the wrong... i hope ull find satisfaction in the rest of your life in ridiculing others just like u did me... all this with "your" god's help. surely not mine ;)

Unknown said...

and what you did wasnt human it was cruel... and just admit it with ureself

Unknown said...

when i fail an exam this yr ill fone u to have the priviledge to laugh at me again ;)

International Observer said...

Eat shit Alexander. You are what people my side of the world call a WANKER.

Unknown said...

thanks international observer.. now go and ask zek the reason why i did this

Yan said...


Anonymous said...

Woah Alexander, mate you're out of line. Why did you have to bring this up in a public forum?? Whatever you guys have in for each other... keep to yourself. Bad taste cuz.;)

y4Pay! said...

Illa guys it had to take Daphne Caruana Galizia herself to beat your bitchfight.. but I must say yours was a valid attempt nonetheless! Keep it up guys!